Abinson Crusoe - 13 Jahre warten auf Freitag
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Abinson Crusoe - 13 Jahre warten auf Freitag

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 Gedicht - New York (SP1)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 67
Anmeldedatum : 17.03.09
Alter : 35
Ort : Visselhövede

Gedicht - New York (SP1) Empty
BeitragThema: Gedicht - New York (SP1)   Gedicht - New York (SP1) Icon_minitimeMi 18 März 2009 - 0:29

New York – Edward Field

I live in a beautiful place, a city
People claim to be astonished
When you say you live there.
They talk of junkies, muggings, dirt and noise,
Missing the point completely.

I tell them where they live it is hell,
A land of frozen people.
They never think of people.

Home, I am astonished by this environment
That is also a form of nature
Like those paradises of trees and grass
But this is a people paradise
Where we are the creatures mostly
Though thank god for dogs, cats, sparrows, and roaches.

This vertical place is no more an accident
Than the Himalayas are.
The city needs all those tall buildings
To contain the tremendous energy here.
The landscape is in a state of balance.
We do god’s will whether we know it or not:
Where we live the streets end in a river of sunlight.

Nowhere else in the country do people
Show just what they feel –
We don’t put on any act.
Look at the way Now Yorkers
Walk down the street. It says,
I don’t care. What nerve,
To dare to live their dreams, or nightmares,
And no one bothers to look.

True, you have to be an expert to live here.
Part of the trick is not to go anywhere, lounge about,
Go slowly in the midst of the rush for novelty.
Anyway, beside the eats the big event here
Is the streets which are full of love –
We hug and kiss a lot. You can’t say that
For anywhere else around. For some
It is the sex part they care about and get –
There’s all the opportunity in the world if you want it.
For me it is different:
Out walking. My soul seeks its food.
It knows what it wants.
Instantly it recognizes its mate, our eyes meet,
And our beigns exchange a vital energy,
The universe goes on charge
And we pass by without holding.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 67
Anmeldedatum : 17.03.09
Alter : 35
Ort : Visselhövede

Gedicht - New York (SP1) Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Gedicht - New York (SP1)   Gedicht - New York (SP1) Icon_minitimeMi 18 März 2009 - 0:30

Mugging - Straßenraub
Sparrow – spatz
Roach – Küchenschabe
To put on an act – eine Show abziehen
What nerve! – wie frech!
No one bothers to look – keener kümmert sich drum
To lounge about – to sit or stand in a lazy way
Eats – food ready to be eaten
To go on charge – sich aufladen
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